SkyFex Licensing Policy Changed


Some really important news here. There are SkyFex licensing changes that will take effect starting Tuesday, April 19, 2011. Here they are:

  1. SkyFex Free will now have 10 minutes of remote control instead of 5. Yeah, that’s fun.
  2. SkyFex Free will be allowed for use in non-commercial projects only. That means to use SkyFex in a commercial project, you will need to subscribe to SkyFex Pro.

So, what do we understand under “commercial use”? It’s simple:

  • If you charge your clients for remote support done via SkyFex – then it’s commercial use.
  • If you offer support via SkyFex as a part of maintenance and support of a commercially distributed product or service – then it’s commercial use.

If you help your mom and dad, and they, in return, treat you to an onion pie – it’s not commercial use. But you can send us a slice of that pie if you feel that’s appropriate 🙂

Note that we offer SkyFex Pro licenses for free to some educational and non-profit organizations – and to some other companies and organizations at our discretion. Be sure to ask us if your company is entitled.

We hope the new licensing will make SkyFex more pleasant to use. Feel free to tell us what you think about it.


SkyFex Team.

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2 Responses to SkyFex Licensing Policy Changed

  1. Pingback: SkyFex 3.2.0 is Now Faster! | SkyFex blog